Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Freirian Jokes!

Assalamualaikum and greetings everyone...

Still in the holiday mood. Hopefully...this will be a great start as the next class approach.

Here's a joke that I got from Prof. Basir (not his real name), during one of the teabreak session for Adv. Qltve class...

Two guys loves fishing. One guy said to the other, "Don't go fishing in Singapore." The 2nd guy asked "Why?" His friend replied, "B'cos you'll never get a bite from the fish there." Then again, the 2nd guy asked "Why?." His friend replied, " Even the fishes dare not open their mouth in S'pore or they'll get the ISA."

Well...let's look at this from the Freirean perspective... I thought this would be great before our next class starts..

The idea of oppressed vs oppressor, liberating vs. domesticating, humanizing vs. dehumanizing, dialogical vs anti-dialogical, all pointing to perpetuating the culture of silence.

Anyway...where's the negotiation of interest and power!!! Happy reading with Cervero & Wilson.


Azamri's response:

There's another joke in Singapore. We always heard people say, " Everything is fine is Singapore!"

Interpretation 1- everything is allright is Singapore
Interpretation 2- be careful, anything you do in Singapore, you might be fined for it!

I'd like to share another joke about Singapore:- it's "This is is what I call guts". Prime Ministers from USA, UK and Singapore were travelling on a warship that was cruising near Saudi Arabia. The 3 were talking about how brave their soldiers were when their cordial discussion soon turned into an argument where each wanted to prove the bravery of their own soldiers.

The Pres. of USA said, "let me show u what is! gu ts", where upon he called his Colonel and said "Jump into the sea and swim 3 rounds around this ship!". The Colonel replied "Anything for Uncle Sam, Sir", and jumped into the shark infested sea and swam 3 rounds around the ship, with the sharks chasing him like mad! After the successful 3 rounds, the Colonel came up to the deck and said, "I did it for Uncle Sam Mr. ! Pre sident!". The proud US President replied "That's what I call guts!".

The Prime Minister of UK became aggressive and quickly called his General and said "General, jump into the sea and swim 10 rounds around this ship!". The General replied "Anything for the Queen, Sir", and jumped into the shark infested sea and swam 10 rounds around the ship, with the sharks chasing him frantically. After the successful 10 rounds the 3-star General came up to the deck and said, "Long Live the Queen!". The proud UK PM replied "That's what I call guts!"

The Prime Minister of Singapore cannot control himself. He had to show that his soldiers have it too. He called one of his Private and & gt; said "Soldier, jump into the sea and swim 15 rounds around this ship!". The Private replied "Oi, you siao (crazy) izzit?" I juz bought my 4-room and I am paying through my nose. Now, U want me to jump and die, eh? If u want to hao lian (show off), you jump into the sea yourself! The Singapore PM smiled and said "Now,that's what I call guts!".

Have a good laugh, okay!


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